I know I'm late, but happy new year! I also know there has been nothing but radio silence from this blog, but that is coming to an end! The start of 2017 has already been manic and busy, in a good way! I've been working my butt off at my part time blog and I finally started to redecorate my room!
However, this has meant that I haven't done a lot of reading, but I have some amazing reviews in the pipeline and they will be up with a more regular schedule that I'll post next week!
However, again, a new year has started (24 days ago!) and that has meant the beginning of some new years resolutions:
- Support only cruelty free makeup and beauty brands in 2017; This has been a long time coming and how I'll be doing this is by taking part in #projectpan this year, which is really an instagram movement but I will be doing updates on product empties every so often on my blog!
- Take better care of myself and my diet; I'm awful at eating right, I tend to eat too much crisps and not drink enough water but this year I will change that, so far, with exam stress, that hasn't been going to well but it won't be an instant result!
- BLOG MORE!!; This is an important one, I feel like I have a good thing going here and I'd hate to ruin it by my own procrastination, so therefore, I'm going to do at least two posts a week, starting next week.
Again, sorry for the radio silence, but QOTD: What are your 2017 resolutions?
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